Son Güncelleme:

01/10/2020 - 16:31

Üniversitemiz öğretim üyelerinden Prof. Dr. Nizami Hasanlı ve Prof. Dr. Mehmet Parlak’ın yazarları arasında bulunduğu “Temperature dependent band gap in SnS2xSe(2-2x) (x = 0.5) thin films” başlıklı makale Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing’de yayınlandı.

Structural and optical properties of SnS2xSe(2-2x) thin films grown by magnetron sputtering method were investigated for composition of x = 0.5 (SnSSe) in the present study. X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy methods were used for structural characterization while temperature-dependent transmission measurements carried out at various temperatures in between 10 and 300 K were accomplished for optical investigations. X-ray diffraction pattern of studied composition presented peaks at positions which are between those of SnSe2 and SnS2. Transmittance spectra recorded at all applied temperatures were analyzed using well-known Tauc relation. Analyses revealed the direct band gap energy value of SnSSe thin films as 1.75 eV at room temperature. Change of band gap energy as a response to varying temperature were discussed in the study by utilizing Varshni relation. It was shown that variation of gap energy values was well-matched with the Varshni's empirical formula. Energy band gap at absolute zero and rate of change of band gap with temperature were found to be 1.783 eV and −2.1 × 10−4 eV K−1, respectively.

Delice, S., Isik, M., Gullu, H. H., Terlemezoglu, M., Surucu, O. B., Gasanly, N. M., & Parlak, M. (2020). Temperature dependent band gap in SnS2xSe(2-2x) (x = 0.5) thin films. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 114 doi:10.1016/j.mssp.2020.105083


Makaleye erişim için:

ODTÜ Yazarları

Prof. Dr. Nizami Hasanlı Scopus Yazar Kimliği: 35580905900
Yazar Hakkında

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Parlak Scopus Yazar Kimliği: 7003589218
Yazar Hakkında ORCID: 0000-0001-9542-5121

Anahtar sözcükler:

Optical properties; SnS2; SnSe2; Thin films

Diğer Yazarlar:
Delice, S., Isik, M., Gullu, H.H., Terlemezoglu, M. (ODTÜ), & Surucu, O.B.