Son Güncelleme:

21/08/2020 - 15:19

Üniversitemiz öğretim üyelerinden Prof. Dr. Songül Kaya Merdan’ın yazarları arasında bulunduğu “A second order decoupled penalty projection method based on deferred correction for MHD in Elsässer variable” başlıklı makale Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics’te yayınlandı.

We study the deferred correction method for the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) system written in Elsässer variables. The proposed algorithm is based on the penalty projection with grad-div stabilized Taylor Hood solutions of the Elsässer formulation. In this way, second order accuracy of the method in time is obtained through the deferred correction method with excellent mass conservation properties. For the proposed method, stability is rigorously proven and numerical experiments are presented to verify the proposed scheme and theory.

Erkmen, D., Kaya, S., & Çıbık, A. (2020). A second order decoupled penalty projection method based on deferred correction for MHD in elsässer variable. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 371 doi:10.1016/


Makaleye erişim için:

ODTÜ Yazarı

Prof. Dr. Songül Kaya Merdan

Web of Science/Publons Araştırmacı Kimliği: J-2503-2012 Scopus Yazar Kimliği: 13407549500
Yazar Hakkında ORCID: 0000-0003-4231-3630

Etiketler/Anahtar sözcükler:

Elsässer variables, Magnetohydrodynamics, Penalty-projection

Diğer Yazarlar:
Erkmen, D., Çıbık, A.