

Pupin and Turco (1972, in Pupin, 1980) introduced a zircon typology method which is basically a method for petrogenetic classification of granitic rocks by depending on the population study concerning the morphologies of zircons. Before Pupin and Turco (1972, in Pupin, 1980) there were some studies depending on the dimensional crystal statistics of zircons. 

In this method an arrangement of given prismatic and pyramidal crystal faces constitute a population type. The abundance of zircon crystals related to certain types led to the setting up, in those particular cases, of more or less numerous subtypes. So, that rocks with comparable percentages of the same zircon type can then be easily separated -significantly- provided that their subtype distribution is known (Pupin, 1980).


The typologic study of zircon populations from granitic rocks lead to the proposition of a genetic classification with three main divisions: (1) granites of crustal or mainly crustal origin [(sub) autochthonous and aluminous granites)]; (2) granites of crustal + mantle origin, hybrid granites (calc-alkaline and sub-alkaline series granites); (3) granites of mantle or mainly mantle origin (alkaline and tholeiitic series granites). In detail, there are many petrogenetic variants of each of the following granitic rocks: granodiorite, monzogranite and alkaline granite. The variations observed with zircon typology are accompanied petrographically by modifications of associations of other main and accessory minerals, and on the field by the presence or absence of basic microgranular xenoliths, associated microgranites, rhyolites or basic rocks. In the typologic diagram, some endogenous non granitic rocks (i.e. migmatites, tonalites, rhyolites ...) show a logical distribution with regard to different genetic stocks of granitic rocks (Pupin, 1980).


 According to Pupin (1980), the main types show 0, 1 or 2 prisms, i.e. {100}, {110} in combination with either one of the three pyramids {101}, {211} or {301}, or the arrangement {101} + {211}. Main types and subtypes can be related on a square board with two variables, depending upon the relative development of the crystalline faces (Figure 3). The initial typologic diagram design was entirely based on the relative natural abundances of zircon types. S-type, which is the most abundant habitus that can be found in endogenous and exogenous rocks, forms, then, the diagram’s main point, the other maintypes logically arranged around. Some main types stay purely theoretical (i.e. : C, I, R, F) : their emplacement was suggested as T and K types are mainly linked with the P and D types in alkaline rocks.  The secondary types have been derived from the above main types from which they can be deduced by adding one or more extra pyramids, with usually a minor development. 

 Regarding the more complex cases where a crystal shows a great number of different pyramidal forms, the nomenclature can yet be used. A bipyramidal crystal {100} {110} with four pyramids {101} {211} {112} {311} would be labelled SWZ, the W and Z letters listed in alphabetical order (corresponding to the supplementary pyramids {311} and {112} with respect to the S principal type; the relative developments of {100} {110} prisms and {101} {211} pyramids allow the subtype characterization (SWZ1 to SW25) as for a common S type. He also stated that among the thirty natural types eight types are only frequent (D, G, J, L, N, P, S, U). He also stated that that the crystal elongaton is not at all taken into account in their proposed typology.

 Pupin (1980) stated that the chemical characteristics of the crystallization medium play a leading role in the origin and relative growth of zircon pyramids. Zircon originating in an hyperaluminous or hyperalkaline medium show well developed {211} pyramid whereas those grown in an hyperalkaline or hyperaluminous medium have well developed {101} pyramid; the Al/alkaline ratio is therefore believed to control the zircon population index Ā, an observation which is confirmed when considering the plutonic rocks distribution in the (I.A., I.T.) diagram (The Fig.3). The {301} pyramid shows a distinct spreading propensity in an alkaline medium where it occurs in the T  [{100}, {110}, {101}, {301}] and K [{100}, {101}, {301}] types in potassium-rich alkaline medium. On the other hand, the {112} pyramid preferentially appears in hyperaluminous media where it can sometimes develop prominently. As the leading factor governing the relative development of the zircon prisms really is the temperature of the crystallization medium, they have therefore proposed that mineral as a geothermometer.


Pupin, J. P., 1980. Zircon and granite petrology. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 73, p. 207-220.
































zircon "the key mineral"
by Serhat KÖKSAL
Middle East Technical University /TURKEY
Central Laboratory / TIMS Lab
e-mail: skoksal@metu.edu.tr