• Both programs have been amended so that, in completing the data sheets on pages 55 and 56 of the manual , entering the HOUR of the day in the rows following the change in the hour is no longer necessary.
  • In the sample data files some of the HOURS have been deleted, both to test the above modifications to the programs, and to provide an illustration.
  • A more detailed compiler than earlier has been used in compiling the programs, and in the course of this, a few format errors which did not hinder the execution of the earlier versions of the programs have been detected and corrected.
  • In running the programs, in the window that comes to the screen asking for the data file name and later the output file name to be entered, there appears a warning to the effect that no blank lines should remain at the top or at the end of the data files. This was valid, and probably still is, on some computers. But on the PC used to test the program modifications, the execution was terminated at the beginning of the last test of the data file, unless a blank line was inserted at the end of the data file. So all the sample data files now have a blank line at the end. Should this cause a problem in running the programs on the user's computer, such blank lines should be removed.

Last update: 20 February 2007

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