AtaMAn Research Group


Department of Chemistry Middle East Technical University
06531 Ankara Turkey

Tel: 90 312 2103232

Welcome to our web-page. Our main interest is the field of Analytical Atomic and Molecular Spectrometry. Method development using nebulization, vapour generation and atom trapping techniques are among the subjects of interest. Our group is also doing research in metal speciation. Another branch of study is archaeometric approach where trace element concentrations are used in provenance analysis. We also work on application of atomic spectrometry to food and biological samples. Use of IR spectrometry in narcotic sample recognition is another field of study. Among our facilities are AA spectrometers with flame, furnace and vapour generation accessories, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS and other commonly used instruments for an analytical chemistry laboratory.

Webmaster: Üftade Muşkara

Last Updated: 21/02/2008